Saturday, 11 August 2012

Event Updates: WCS Singapore 2013

Cosfest ASIA has released the requirements for World Cosplay Summit (WCS) Singapore 2013!
It's a really interesting process that the organisers have decided on in order to decide who would compete in WCS Singapore 2013 and go on to represent Singapore in the WCS 2013

Friday, 10 August 2012

Event Updates: STGCC announces new heavyweight comic and toy personalities

With the Singapore Toy, Game and Comic Convention (STGCC) 2012 around the corner, Reed Exhibitions has announced more top-notch personalities joining this year’s line-up that will delight pop culture fans in Singapore and the region.

Monday, 6 August 2012

World Cosplay Summit (WCS) 2012

After a much anticipated round of competition, i'm sure everyone is excited and happy to know that the WCS Singapore Team of Ayatenshi and Raistlin won 2nd place in the World Cosplay Summit 2012 !

Take a look at the skits from the winners of WCS 2012. Singapore's skit starts at 02:41 .

Video by  

Photoshoots: Bachur Casual

Received my photos from the shoot a couple of days back! It was a really hot Saturday when we headed to *Scape park for the shoot T>T Still, it was really fun to shoot this with all the skaters around us~

First time attempting a more boyish look ^^ Check out the pictures below !

Photog: Blurmage

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Event Update: Manga Weekend @ Bugis+ !

Event: Manga Weekend @ Bugis+
Organised By: Bugis+, CapitaMall
Date:4th August 2012
Time: 1pm - 6pm  
Location:  Bugis+ Event Area